Thursday, January 3, 2008

Adventures in Deuce-Motherhood

Welcome to my first blog!

I've been thinking for a long time about starting a blog as an outlet for some of the stuff I'm doing and thinking in the process of Deuce-Motherhood survival. I've never been one that excels at balancing everything I want and need to do so I'm constantly a work in progress.

Add to my usual struggles the birth of my beautiful son, affectionately known as Deuce, in June 2007, and I feel like I'm on an amusement park ride without the seatbelt!

I owe DAP to my BIL's girlfriend (probably future sister-in-law, here on out known as PFSIL). Her blog inspired me to start this blog. So she gets some of the credit and some of the blame for the fact that I'm spending my time this way!

Lots to do, lots to learn,

1 comment:

kasiaiscarly said...

hey! welcome to blogland! it's quite fun, glad i inspired you :) and i'm rotf at my nickname :) mostly at the P :) he he! if at this point i'm not 'fsil' you will be bil-less. . . LOL! supposedly after tax return he'll have all the money saved for my ring. do you know we're getting married in a vineyard in california (that's the current plan, anyway)