Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday: Crap... I mean craft... Room

First I just want to say that after the awfully unproductive day I had yesterday, I've already done more housework in the 2 hours I've been awake. Phew.

Anyhow, our new house has an office on the lower level, that will someday be a real live craft room. In the meantime it has turned into a garbage dump. Since I don't have a camera today, I'm going to give you the 360. Starting at the door -
  • stool with books, pencil case, tissue paper on it, and work desk detritus under.
  • wire shelves with sorting trays. Sorting trays are empty
  • bolt of fabric for as-yet not started curtains
  • book shelf with one box worth of books unpacked
  • computer with modem lying next to it
  • desk with monitor, keyboard, old phone charger, baby wipe wrapper on it
  • filing cabinet, piled on top are empty CD cases, baby art and potentially bills
  • pile of junk
  • box of junk
  • empty Cricut cutter box
  • box of junk
  • box of junk
  • schnitzels of paper from die cutter
  • card table with ABC book project, empty bag of sun chips, papers to be filed, board book
  • shredder with stack of stuff to be shredded on the floor next to it
  • the center part of a ring stacker
  • a Mary Kay Satin Hands set

And I wonder why I have a hard time being creative. I'll update when it's tackle-complete

1 comment:

Amydeanne said...

hey! get out of my crap... err craft room! lol